Ever since 1977, Swedes have been guaranteed at least four weeks of holiday during the summer according to Swedish vacation law – and they have taken it with fervor. The country’s climate can be harsh with long, dark winters and a slow arrival of spring. Anticipation for the extended vacation builds throughout the year so that, by the time summer comes around, offices empty out as Swedes flock to their holiday destinations. The more sunshine, the better.
Once arriving at their vacation haven, Swedes can fully shut down the work side of their brains and remain officially unreachable until their out of offices declare otherwise. Days are spent basking in the sun, swimming in the chilly ocean, relaxing in steamy saunas – with perhaps a few snaps thrown in here and there. The conditions are ideal for the complete unwinding that allows for more time between the sheets. Makes you wonder why all babies aren’t born in the spring.