Not fish. Not krill. Fish get their omega-3s from eating algae. Be smart, go straight to the source. Skip PCBs, heavy metals and environmental toxins found in fish. No fish, no harm.

They are called essential for a reason

Some of the most important building blocks in our bodies are the marine omega-3s EPA and DHA. Omega-3s are essential fatty acids, meaning we need to obtain them from our diet.

In particular, the marine omega-3 fats eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have numerous important physiological functions, and are found in cell membranes all over our bodies. A large part of our brains – about 10-15 percent – is literally made up of omega-3 DHA.

Land-based plants only contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a shorter omega-3 form. Our bodies' capacity to obtain EPA and DHA from conversion of ALA is limited; therefore, it is recommended that we also obtain EPA and DHA from our diet.

Diagram som visar evolutionen av marin omega-3

The importance of marine omega-3s can be traced back to the origin of evolution. As the oceans were cooling off during this period, tiny microalgae developed the capacity to produce omega-3s to keep their cell membranes supple and fluid.

Omega-3: our bodies need them

Normally, we obtain essential marine omega-3s from our diet.

Fish and fishoil

Omega-3 EPA and DHA fats are the main reason that fish is considered to be a healthy food. So traditionally, by eating wild-caught fatty fish and seafood, we have kept our marine omega-3 intake in check. But modern diets have changed, and not everybody eats enough omega-3-rich foods. Modern foods are also different, with a lot of fish in the market coming from farms, meaning they have very different nutritional profiles than omega-rich, wild-caught fish.

Many people prefer to take supplements with omega-3s in the form of fish- or krill-oil capsules to fulfil their omega-3 EPA and DHA needs. Omega-3 supplements are also very popular among athletes.

But, here’s another catch: high levels of environmental toxins and heavy metals in wild fish and fish oil are a matter of increasing concern. Due to pollution and plastics in our oceans, fatty fish can have alarmingly high amounts of mercury and other heavy metals, PCB, dioxins, phthalates and PFAS. Meanwhile, the threat of overfishing in our oceans is becoming more serious.

Walnuts, chia seeds and other land-based plants

For those who are vegan, vegetarian or allergic to fish, getting the omegas they need from their everyday diet can become an even harder task than otherwise. They often resort to land-based omega-3 sources, which nevertheless only contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a shorter omega-3 form. Our capacity to obtain EPA and DHA from conversion of ALA is limited, which is why it is recommended that we also obtain EPA and DHA from our diets.

The only plant-based source of marine omega-3: algae.

Microalgae are the only plant-based source of omega-3 EPA and DHA. The marine omega-3 oils EPA and DHA found in algae are exactly the same as those found in fatty fish — because the fish get their omega-3s from the algae in the first place. It is much smarter to go straight to the source and take omega-3 oil directly from algae instead.

Diagram som visar en vegansk kontra icke-vegansk omega-3s väg till flaskan

Why bother with fish oil when you can get your omega-3s directly from the sun? The marine omega-3 oils EPA and DHA found in algae are exactly the same as those found in fatty fish – because fish get their omega-3s from the algae in the first place. Crystal clear and super smart!

Simris® Algae Omega-3 is a completely plant-based and superior alternative to fatty fish and fish oil, with the same benefits for you and your wellbeing.

The threat of overfishing in our oceans is becoming more serious. Did you know that it takes 600 sardines to produce a single bottle of omega-3 capsules from fish oil? It is much smarter to go straight to the source and take omega-3 oil from algae instead.

No fish, no harm

Getting the omega-3s we all need must not contribute to overfishing and the devastation of our oceans. Fish oils and krill are not great for the health of our planet either, since they contribute to overfishing and the destruction of marine habitats.

In nature, fish and krill eat microalgae, which is how omega-3s ends up in their fatty tissue. Going straight to the source, and taking the omega-3 oil directly from farmed algae instead of from fish eliminates ethical and environmental concerns, and guarantees a pure, safe and sustainable omega-3 option.

So whether it’s purity, safety, animal ethics or environmental concerns, there are plenty of reasons why you would want your omegas from their original source in nature, rather than via fish or krill oils. It’s better for you, and better for the oceans.


Microalgae are the only plant-based source of omega-3 EPA and DHA. The omega-3 found in land-based plants and sources such as walnuts, flaxseed oil, chia seeds and similar is omega-3 ALA, or alpha-linolenic acid. This is a shorter, precursor form of omega-3 that needs to be converted to EPA and DHA in our bodies before it can perform its profound functions. Extensive research has shown that the conversion of ALA into the active omega-3 forms EPA and DHA is rather inefficient in the human body, and also depends on other factors such as genetics.

While plant-based omega-3-rich foods such as flax oil, walnuts and chia seeds are great for a healthy omega-6 to omega-3 balance, there are many good reasons to ensure the sufficient direct intake of EPA and DHA as well. And algae are the only plants that produce omega-3 EPA and DHA with the same health benefits as from fish and krill oil. Vegetarians and vegans especially might want to consider taking a supplement with EPA and DHA from algae to ensure sufficient intake of the important marine omega-3 fatty acids.

What are your lifestyle goals?

Omega-3s are not another superfood. Omegas are essential to human wellbeing. They are some of the most important building blocks in our bodies. Without them, you simply cannot be the optimal you.